Tuesday: More Crossings

One or two of you have been kind enough to suggest that my lazy street shots were not that uninteresting as they give a bit of a feel of Zagreb.  So, in the interests of overdoing a good thing, here is another crossing shot as I was waiting to be picked up after a meeting.  This is looking down towards the main square.

Apart from that, the only interesting thing about my day was that I took the winter duvets in to the dry cleaner.  It was 31 degrees today (87F) so, as the man in the dry cleaner's said, I am in no hurry for them back.  Some days are just that exciting!

Incidentally, after the mysterious appearance of the 100 extra photos feature, does anyone know whether there is anyone actually flicking the switches at BlipCentral these days?  Somebody is obviously around but it's very quiet..............

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