
Thanks to lovingSutton for this photo!

Today was the whole reason we were back in the be prayed for by our church elders and officially commissioned as mission partners. 
We were able to share our hopes and dreams for the future, and talk a bit about what God's been doing this past year.

We saw Danny's Mom this afternoon, she drove down just for lunch! Then got back and the door went - my sister showed up as a surprise (in Birmingham, from Southampton!)....5 minutes later, my Aunt and Uncle turned up too (from Bournemouth!).... I felt SO touched that they had all made the effort to come and be with us. 

A very special day, full of beautiful people!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Mom and Dad opening their house up for cake and drinks after church this evening!
2) Encouragement from people at church.
3) Family and friends driving all those miles to come and see us!

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