
By TBay

I'm in charge!

When the boss is away the mice will play!! Mr Tbay is out at a meeting so Pip at once occupied his seat in the office next to me as I am working! She always has a very superior look on her face when she is in his chair. Mr Tbay will not be amused as she has covered it in her little white short hairs. Tee hee!! 

It rained today and has been rather cold too. Mr Tbay took to the office to catch up on a fairish backlog of paper work including writing numerous bills for work done whist we were away. He was ably assisted by Mr Tbay Jnr who was also office bound today! I caught up on general correspondence which had also begun to pile up at an alarming rate. On arrival home we were delighted to fing three wedding invitations waiting for us which was lovely. Two were quite unexpected which was so lovely. Our weekends ahead seemed to be taken up with lots of wedding this year, mainly of our childrens freinds which is rather nice. 

Farming - Two on compost. Rain stopped play with maize drilling today.

I am still catching up bit by bit! I will get around to everyone over the next few days!! I promise!

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