Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


I spotted this in the hospital today- hard to miss, two stretches of wall on hospital street (the long corridor that runs from one end of the hospital to the other) and there are pop ups with even more of them. It's part of the #hellomynameis campaign instigated by Dr Kate Granger, to remind people of the importance of introducing themselves to patients. Read more about her and the campaign on that link if you haven't seen it.

Perhaps amusingly though the medics I saw didn't introduce themselves to me! They did ask what I'd been up to so far today and talk about the weather and were generally nice though so I didn't mind- or realise until I was leaving and taking the sneaky photos. Niceness is a big deal. I really value niceness. And got lots of it today.

And I'm fine and home now. I had another potential blip I took in the waiting room of a random sign which said "ask at reception for colouring in pencils". I assume (for children) colouring books are also available...or perhaps they just want the white walls coloured in a bit brighter?

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