Rescue me.................

J  dropped me off  at the rec this morning and i went into the library to  got the dvd called, Orange is the New Black. The  assistant told me it's really good, so we shall see. As i was coming out, I saw one of the guys that i see in open church. He asked me to go for a coffee, but as i was already late going to  the gym, i politely declined. I chatted to him for a little while, and he told me a few  bits of gossip ,about someone we both know from church. I was shocked, as I didn't think that men gossiped. How wrong can you be?  Off I went to the gym, and did what i had to do. As I was so late, it was really quiet and I didn't see anyone I knew. I enjoyed listening to the music on my headphones, and came out feeling good. I walked around the fields, again. in search of a blip. The river was much fuller than it had been yesterday, due to all the heavy rain we had last night. I was just about to give up , when I saw  this little fella, who literally saved the day.  I then phoned J to meet me, and spent the day at home.  I wish the weather would get warmer, as I have had to put the heating on the last few nights. It was much warmer in Cornwall. We are having a roast chicken dinner tonight. It smells delicious.  

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