Muddy Adventures!

By TheFarmersWife

If Carlsberg made proud Mummys...

Today we went on the village jubilee walk which was 3 beautiful miles that I'd never ventured on before. (when you have a farm you tend not to walk elsewhere locally).

This afternoon when the weather improved we got Bob-the-Cob out and went for a hack. We took Whit with the idea that she'd have to get over her hatred of horses or learn a nasty lesson. Little monster jumped right up Bob, had her feet on his chest trying to bite his nose but Bob is so chilled he just walked backwards. It scared my daughter though.
So the two younger children were dispatched with Whit further ahead to keep her away from Bob.
We had a lovely family walk/hack around the fields followed by a trot down the road. Finished up with a bit of schooling in the paddock. My daughter decided she wanted to jump which she's only done once on Bob and that was with her instructor. She did brilliantly. Progressing three heights and from a cross bar to a straight pole.
My daughter is bouncing on a high tonight and I am so so so proud.

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