Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

All points North......

.......the visibility is surprisingly good in spite of that sky......and given the number of people on the lighthouse causeway (that would be those tiny dots on the left) there must still be seals on the rocks at St Marys Island.....

Interesting encounter while I was out and about.....a chap stopped to chat (you probably need to know I'm the sort of person mad people choose to sit next to on trains), a multitude of subjects were covered in the space of ten minutes : the merits of Lurpack over other brands of butter, the value of true friendship, a brief foray into politics, the difficulties of converting fahrenheit to centigrade when you get to a certain age and problems in the Middle East to name but a few.....he was neatly dressed, well-spoken and intelligent....I can only hope I'm half-way near as coherent as he was when I'm pissed before lunch......

I can see for miles

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