The only way to travel

We have arrived back in Lenno. Having left Luzern at about 10:00 am we got to Lenno just after 13:00. The weather is fine and sunny, with the temperature about 25 degrees.

After having unpacked the car we went down to the lake for a light lunch. Both the bars and the restaurants were very busy, despite it being quite late for lunch. The village is much busier than when we left a couple of weeks ago.

Back up to the flat for a lazy afternoon followed by dinner at the Ranch pizzeria.

While we were at the bar having lunch this dog arrived in a pram with three ladies. The dog stayed in the pram and seemed quite settled. As we were leaving I asked of I could take a photo of the dog (whose name I don't remember). The dog was induced to look at the camera, so snap. It is not a great shot and not taken from a good angle, but as the dog was so kind as to pose for me I thought the least I can do is use this photograph today.

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