
By MamaOfBoys

They like to move it , move it

Today we had a party, it was my friends twins 5th birthday so double the fun!!

Kanye and Harper haven't been to a kids birthday party before so with it being disco themed, Kanye who is my dancer was in his element.

Though he had an awful night of seizures he let loose his dance moves and boogied on down.

Mar mainly sat and ate chips but had a bit of a dance too, chasing around after his friend who is in his class at school.

Harper was a little nervous at first but then opened up and bounced around the room with a  balloon.

Energy burnt 100%

Was an awesome party very well organised by my lovely friend. I could see the birthday boys had a great time especially when it came to present time, who doesn't love presents?

We left not long after so missed out on cake but Kanye started dropping out having absent seizures. we made the right choice as he fell asleep on the way home as did Harper.

I bought them a new dvd so when we got in they all lay on the floor watching a new Thomas the tank engine movie.

Great saturday? Check!

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