We took Matthew out as usual this morning and did the usual, watch trains at Creech St Michael, coffee & cake at Monkton Elm Garden Centre.  The staff said he has been a bit upset this week probably because he knows we are moving further away and any change is always going to be difficult.  But we assured him that he will love where we are going to live and as soon as we return from our holiday on June 11th, we will collect him and take him back with us for a holiday.

It has been strange cleaning out all the rooms in this large house now bereft of furniture and saying goodbye will be sad.  But we know that it is time to start a new chapter in our life together having spent the last 46 years apart working.

I thank you all fellow blip friends for your faithfulness and look forward to catching up with you all when I am safely down there in Cornwall.  Until then I must say farewell until I have my new bt account in our new home.  Sending you all hugs and well wishes until we can 'speak' again. xxxx

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