Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Saturday, May 16, 2015 -- Grammie Teele's House

Before leaving Carlsbad today, we went to Grammie's house so I could take a photo. During all of my growing-up years that's the house where Grammie & Grandpa lived. Behind it, used to be an acre with avocados. My folks always referred to that home as "the ranch."

Whenever we spend time in Carlsbad, I ask Mr. Fun to take me by there so I can get a photo. I'd love to see the inside and the backyard. There were rumors at one time that the back half of the acre had been sold to the neighbors who lived behind them, but I've never learned if that is true.

After that we started our journey north toward home with one stop in Oceanside and then a stop in Laguna Beach for a light lunch before turning east and heading to home in the Inland Empire.

Once home, it was time to finish grading a stack of essays. The end of the semester is getting quite close with graduation on the evening of Thursday, June 11; next weekend we're going to the Central Coast, so staying caught-up with grading is important.

From southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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