
By mef13

Sunday change

Much as I welcome a Sunday roast, I do often get fed up with a joint and look for something different.
So the idea of filets of sea bass today, with parsley butter and something light in the way of vegetables was just to my liking.  Especially as the supermarkets have been heavily promoting English grown asparagus this last week.
The advantage of having a joint on a Sunday is that there is invariably sufficient left for our Monday evening meal, and more often than not Tuesday as well.  Which is why I welcome something to ring the changes occasionally for a Sunday, so that we are not having to make do with it for a few days after.
My sea bass was ready filleted so I did not even have to face the tedious task of dealing with the sea bass myself. I love sea bass as a whole fish, but separating the flesh from the bones after it’s cooked can be a bit hazardous and though I think I can handle it fairly well, there is just that chance there are still going to be tiny bones remaining when it is served.

So today’s ready prepared filets were just to my liking, and though we may well decide on roast chicken for our main meal later in the week, for the moment I am well satisfied.

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