
By TreasureForever

Roller Girl

We have had the most busy day today.  Thought I better get this on here just now as this coming week is going to be crazy too.  Husband has been away for 5 days (not that I'm counting!), ok I am, it really is too long.

Anyway we started off the day very early for a Sunday.  Gymnastics 9am-10am at a new temporary venue as there is some work being done to the usual place.  A quick trip to Asda, then home followed.  We got all of our stuff ready to go to the roller disco and made our way there for a pre-disco lesson first.  I haven't skated since the last disco a couple of onths back.  L has been out a couple of times since though and has really picked it up well.  We had the best time, it is so much fun.

We headed to Lallybroch and Ethan's house for a playdate afterwards with their friend A joining us too.  The kids had a ball and soon it was time for home and dinner and shower and bed.  L cannot sleep though.  She is much too excited at the prospect of Daddy returning later on tonight.

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