
Sunday 17th May 2015 (995)

A tiring day at the end of a long week. After 10hrs non stop I could just have curled up on the sofa but would have fallen asleep. Instead, I managed to summon up enough energy to give the fish tank a go. 

It took a while to clean then set up, including flash etc. I was about to give up and leave it for another day but decided to give it a quick go. Within a few minutes I was re-energised because it was working! Time flew by and I spent a very enjoyable hour getting rather wet and splashing water everywhere. I couldn't think of anything else at the same time so it was a great way to relax. 

I have a few shots I am pleased with and have posted a couple of extras. I'll certainly give it another go some time. I was getting lazy and not cleaning the glass between shots and it really began to show. 

NB No pepper was hurt in the making of this shot!  

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