on a purple aquilegia flower.
In the morning we went to the opening of the exhibition in the Hugenotten Museum: Marc Chagall and the Old Testamen. With a marvellous introduction, accordeon live music played and seeing the Bible lithos of Chacall.
And as if this was enough already we visited after lunch the ecological garden, which is situated two streets below our house.
Although the day had been rather cold, it was nice the sun came out just as we entered this beautiful garden. It is on a slope too, but certainly not as steep as our's.
There we walked around and sat on a bench. Of course I saw the spider, even when it is so utterly tiny. Her colour betrays her. Two legs are longer than the others, I just read in my guide book. I had somehow noticed it, but did not know that this is peculiar.
Somehow the cursor problem has not come back again, sssst don't say it too loud!  And I can, even find with some detour my pictures in a map again.

My haiku:

The garden so big
The spider so small and still
We meet somewhere there

And the proverb:

His hat covers his family.

1858 Surtees, Ask Mamma.

His hat had so long covered his family, that he hardly knew how to set about obtaining jis own consent to marry.

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