Bird in the hand

The morning sun has given way to clouds. We sat out with coffee, camera and binoculars this morning watching the Scarlet Tanger,  one of the Catbirds eating a daily ration of dried meal worms and Mrs. Oriole shopping for nesting supplies. She seems to have now decided on the same nest place as last year, we hope so. The  Tufted Titmice were gathering peanuts bigger than their heads as catbirds bathed. The squirrels really love apples. I've found a few cores in the birdbath, I suspect a raccoon is attempting to wash them at night.

For the Record, 
This day came in sunny with increasing clouds. We need rain, but please make it stay dry on Tuesday. We have received an amazing invitation from DDW & Mr. W ...more on that soon:)

All hands sneezing from tree pollen.

Commentary on yesterday's sentencing for Tsarnaev

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