Flee market day

like there was one without a visit. Today we cleared our rental table at one of the flee markets. Total net sales 534€ after their commission and table rent for 4 weeks 156€. I'd say we did pretty good. :-)

Still there was a car load that we brought back home even after a visit to our other table that we rent and changed the price tags and put them on that table. It's amazing what sells and what doesn't. Also depending on the flee market. They attract different crowds. Like CD's sell better than DVD's (Netflix). Old half used perfumes sell in a second. Books sell in other places, not at all somewhere else.

This second flee market where we rent table is filled with senior women during weekdays. They are interested in kitchen stuff and such, younger crowd on weekends are looking for other good finds. 

Definitely most amazing thing is what our house has stored in cupboards. We've been selling stuff since Easter and there's still too much to get rid of. We have a special bank account where we transfer all the money from the sales. After 6 months, it'll be interested to see how much we actually managed to get from all the small stuff and furniture for our next chapter in life. 

Picture from my backyard.

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