
By hoodedpigwoman

Happy Birthday Gwyn

Not the best photo of the day.... but here is the birthday boy and Sarah who made it after all. Ahem.

Lovely sunny day in London, I accidentally bumped into the Russian Ambassador in the morning. Sort of. I wandered in to this.... There were a LOT of medals on display.

Then I looked around the Forties Fashion exhibition in the IWM, along with a coachload of 40s enthusiasts (in character, which was a little trying, to be honest), had some lunch, took some pictures of re-enacters dressed as Soviet troops and wandered down the South Bank. I did a bit of sightseeing, bought some secondhand books and conveniently bumped into my lovely friends where we sat outside and drank beer in the sunshine. Without a coat on...

Then we got changed, had a nice dinner, gathered some more friends and went to Gwyn's party. 40?! 
I had a chat with his mum who said she had recognised me but didn't mention at all that was because I was sick in her cat litter. Then I had a similar conversation with his dad. Then his auntie and uncle, who I have never met, just came out and asked me if I was the one who was sick in the cat litter. Nice to know you made a lasting impression.

What lovely day and just what I needed. Thanks to Claire and Dave and boys for their hospitality too :-)

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