
By Madchickenwoman

All Better?!

I think I am better! Which is rather miraculous as I fell asleep on my sofa last night and woke at 6am! Decided it was too late/not early enough to go to bed, so had my usual from Clooney and sorted my seeds and headed for the allotment with peas and sweetpeas!
Well peeved to find  large clusters of red mites in the coop- coop members have not been spraying as I told them to and will get a terse email from me! But they were all looking good so thats good!
I then spent over 3 hours pulling up weeds on my new plot! The beds are well dug and after all the rain it was easy - thistles, grass, dandelions and docks came out easily! I started on the bed I planned to put the potatoes in, then just kept going and did a load of bed hopping! Had a nice chat with Commune man about slugs - he has taken over a plot and is planning his campaign against the slugs! I may have convinced him to join the coop too! 
When I finally weeded my way back to the original bed, and had sorted my potatoes into First Early, Second Early and Maincrop ( who am I trying to kid - be lucky if any will produce as all going in late!) I realised I had a bit of digging to do. Many great clods of grass later I was ready to plant - but had Portly to walk and was feeling weary! So home I went intending to put them in when I returned in the eve.
Another circuit with Portly! Felt so good to be photographing village views, I'm delighted I still find new things to take  in such a familiar landscape, each time there is something that catches my eye. I nearly blipped the washing line -  I just love washing lines! Probably because the one in my garden broke shortly after I moved in and I have never got round to hiring someone to put it back up! It's a major job to try and get to the house wall due to conservatory and sloped roof of bathroom. So I have washing Line envy! I may eventually buy one encased in glass  from the local Art Gallery, saw it at The Contemporary Craft Show last year and loved it, and then it turned up in the gallery! Think it was meant for me! 
It was warm and sunny and I decided I would go up to Cotehele in the afternoon, take some photos, have an ice-cream! . A parcel arrived of a few items from an internet sale - Fly Boots - fleece lined - ideal! Ordered my Mushroom and Black Bean Burger from The Saucerers in the village, put Milly and Tilly back in their run and......went to bed! No need to do everything at once I decided!
So - chickens to put to bed and potatoes and peas to put in tomorrow, and maybe Cotehele! 
My circuit and washing line can be seen here!

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