Oh dear

From the time it took me to cook the eggs (plus chips and turkey dinosaurs), plate them up, copy the SD card into the laptop, open LightRoom and start tweaking it..... JJ had fallen asleep at the table.

Ooops, bad parent.

Mrs H is away in Amsterdam for the weekend, and I think that's got to be first parenting fail of the weekend.

C has got 3 birthday parties over the weekend (and JJ gets to go to 2 of them), so hopefully they'll have another early night tonight.

So 7:23, and they are both in-bed. So I can cook my tea, and then I've got 4 presents to wrap, 4 cards to write, Agents of Shield to watch, then a good soak in the bath.

Could do with a nice glass of wine, but heh, I've got 15 days into the month with no booze - so I'm not going to crack now.

Hope you all have a good weekend.

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