Red Squirrel


Let's Twist!

Bigger twist!

According to a well known nursery rhyme from the 18th century:
"Slugs and snails
And puppy-dogs' tails,
That's what little boys are made of ....
.... Sugar and spice
And everything nice,
That's what little girls are made of"

How times have changed (thank goodness!)

I'm most certainly female (well, I was the last time I looked, lol). I have a
disgustingly sweet tooth (sugar) and love a good curry (spice) so I do conform to that theory. But I also love slugs and snails, I think they're really cute - which blows away that part of the stereotype completely! But who'd want to conform to stereotypes anyway? Wouldn't that make life SO boring?

Today I lifted my wheelbarrow, which had been laying upturned on the lawn for about a week, and on turning it upright found it inhabited by several slugs, a couple of millipedes and a few small insects. I spent a considerable amount of time just watching their activities, taking shots here and there. Alas, the millipedes wouldn't keep still enough to get any decent macro shots of them, and all apart from one of the slugs were very small and a plain whitish-beige colour - not very blipworthy. But this slug, much bigger with a brown body and narrow orange 'skirt', was a prime candidate. At one point I noticed that it had started to climb the side of the barrow wall, but for some reason it fell off and landed on its back in the base, curled up in a ball, where it stayed for a minute or so. When it showed signs of moving and righting itself I took a few shots of it as it slowly twisted its body upright. So that's my blip today - a slug doing the Twist! I never knew they could dance .... lol

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