Return to the North

By Viking

Let me entertain you !

One of my teachers has been very excited over the last few days about her new arrival. One of the student's dog had an unexpected and brief relationship with a dog of the opposite sex. Her mother obviously didn't tell her it only takes one time! And two pups were the result of her mishap! 

Sadie here is one of the mishaps - now nine weeks old she was 'old enough' to be given to her new owner. And of course being very little she couldn't possibly stay at home all day by herself sooooooooo J brought her into school for the afternoon. her kids were so excited about getting to meet Sadie and Sadie was very excited to meet them too! 

Now I am not a pet lover at all - cats for example are the devil's invention and I would quite happily wipe them out of existence (sorry all cat lovers Gareth Morgan has nothing on me)  Dogs on the other hand can be cute but have never really desired one.

Today however that was tested severely. Sadie is VERY adorable and then to double the cute canine factor for the day I had a lovely hour with Daisy. Now every time I have met Daisy up until today all she has done is bloody bark which does not endear a dog to me. Today however she decided I was the bees knees. As soon as I sat down at my DP's place she was up and on my lap and in my face. Daisy is another small dog Bichon frise cross (as is Sadie but very different colouring).

But to all those who know me personally ------ no I am still not having a dog :-)

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