BBFs for ever

You will all be very pleased to know that we got an email from Ernie today (well, not really from Ernie, but Ernie's HIM but you know what I mean) to say that he is remarkably perky considering what he's gone through. 

SHE's pleased because she's cream crackered on account of all the long walks, plus the gym, but the upside is that she's losing weight, which is what it's all about.  So I'm told.

Anyway, me 'n Rani had a wonderful time today - we played chasey, and more chasey, and then we washed each others faces, and then we played ear boxing, well, Rani did - I just put up with it for Rani's sake.

Rani and Ernie don't get on, which means that when Ernie isn't here, Rani behaves like a kitten again, and we do have a lot of fun.  I think Rani'd get on, but Ernie chases her, and not in a nice way like I do.

I'm prattling on again, aren't I!  But my brain is a hive of industry, and it's all part of the life of a small black dog.

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