New Best Friend

Dressed for this morning's weather when I got up - not at my best after being woken at 5 by Smallest who had had an accident but couldn't find clean PJs so was just lying on the floor wailing...

Anyway, it was grey, windy and wet so I dressed for winter. Did the school run, did a few errands and popped over to Lelant for lunch with a college friend. Very pleasant it was too!

By the time I got back to Falmouth, summer had arrived but an after school summons (Smallest is now on a Behaviour Report) I had no time to change before our family dentist appointment.

As usual it took longer to choose stickers than the dentist (a very nice man) took to see us all, let's hope it stays that way! As if prepared tea last night, we sneaked in a quick cheeky.

Having worn prescription sunglasses all day, I couldn't read the label on this delicious little morsel and thought it said it was a 'Blueberry Friend'. But it didn't, however it will always be a friend to me (just don't tell ClareClare she has been usurped)!

Home for tea, Bella's taxi home from Fame Academy/Glee Club didn't show up AGAIN so it was a frantic dash to get them to Sea Scouts on time - now they're back on the water they'll literally miss the boat if they're late - but we made it!

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