Beach babe

We saw Danny's aunt & uncle this afternoon - whenever they come on holiday to Ibiza, they invite us to have a day/afternoon with them in their hotel. We get to use their pool and feel like we're on holiday - plus catch up with lovely family! Asha was delighted that their hotel this time was on the beach, so many a sandcastle was made with Uncle Malcolm!

Tonight I'm packing and preparing our flat for the lovely Thea. 

OH, nearly forgot - cockroach-gate has struck again! I had to deal with it ON MY OWN as Danny was out! Arrrghhhhh!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Animal & Malcolm's generosity to us. So lovely to have a good natter & catch up.
2) Two brilliant books I'm currently reading, and the time this afternoon to spend reading (poolside!).
3) The bathroom cleaner being right to hand when cockroach-gate struck. In a very short time, I'd won the battle.

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