My men

Two of the men in my life made my day today.

I visited my dad, feeding him, and he we had a long peaceful chat. He told me stories from his childhood and we discussed all kind of matters. Lovely two hours visit. He had a good day.

And with my son we had nice drive to the McDonalds for ice-cream as a dessert. (It has been a bank holiday and McDonalds was the only cafeteria open) Then we watched a movie 'The other woman' starring Cameron Diaz etc. Lovely two hours relaxing moment.

For the rest this bank holiday has been cleaning the house, planting flowers outdoors (to the pots that I can easily carry into carage if there will be snowing/ freezing nights)... Sigh. it is nice to arrange big family party, however I wish it would be june already!

+5c today.

Well... Now heading back to sauna. I even took a 'bear beer' in finnish it is called 'nallekalja' :). And soon it will be hockey night again Fin-Cze in Ice-hockey World Chanpioship Games. The two blind referees from Sweden have banned after tuesday's fiasko, so may the best team win!


Ps additional note. I feel that ice-hockey is maybe corrupted, so odd referees were again there today, russian ones. I wonder if they really can be objective at all.. We lost the game and it is good for our family! Too much to arrange with in next week, no time to watch tv.

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