
Almost the whole day was spent in a classroom today.  I'm spending 2 days in training for my role as an Officer and as a Committee Chair of our Union's Local Council.  

After class a friend who lives nearby came to pick me up to go out for dinner.  We got held up in some traffic near the hotel.  Whilst almost stationary, a car came out from a side road to turn left.  We saw him but he had to pass a second lane of traffic and we saw a car to our left plough right into his car.  Amazingly the guys were fine, but the cars were pretty badly damaged and both completely undriveable.  We stayed on the scene until the police arrived since we were the ones closest to the scene of the accident and saw the whole thing right in front of us.

We were both very thankful - that our car wasn't hit, but, more importantly, that BOTH drivers were not injured.  

Dinner was good and time spent catching up with my friend even better.  There obviously weren't too many opportunities to find a good blip, (a shot of the wrecked cars would have been a bit voyeuristic!) but I did very much like the many lanterns all over the ceiling of the restaurant.  That will have to do for today!

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