Our Visitors

Here are Tegan and Jess our visitors from the USA. Oscar managed to worm his way in between them. He does like the fuss they make of him.
They spent another day in London. They saw The Lion King and loved it. Did a bit of shopping. Went to St Paul's. And home to fish and chips which they have so wanted to try. They loved that too. Tomorrow they will be on their travels again....off to Barcelona.
In between shunting people about I went to work today. I had to cover school lessons which I used to take last year. It was lovely going back. I miss my school teaching.
This evening I went to my tri club for a brick session. Tonight it was bike to run. It was so hard...but I loved it. Next week we have 2 x 10k cycle rides to do, timed.....I'm dreading it already.

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