No 'arm done...

Another day of lots of jobs.Sorted out 4 heifers that were in calf (and shouldn't have been ! ) Somebody has been up to no good,but not sure who ! Will cut back their feeding to stop the calf getting too big inside them.
Tagged another 2 calves and kicked them out to the field.
Then took a load of ewes up to the mart at Stirling ready for tomorrow's sale. Would never make a long distance lorry driver, as was struggling to stay awake before half way there, and its only a 110 mile round trip !
Got a text from Mrs Farmerboab tonight from the Sick Kids. Seemingly Little Miss had had a fall at skiing lessons at Hillend. X ray taken and nothing broken,but home with a nice sling for effect.Trying to keep up with her big brother who broke his thumb at skiing lessons there once .

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