
A little man was wide awake at five this morning, he came into our room and kept on shouting. Took us a while to work out he was shouting for Munchie.

Last day at work for me today, always a good feeling to pack my bag and walk out for the week and turn into mummy, then again, I still have planning and stuff to sort for next week so not the total switch off.

Picked up two happy children from nursery. Came home and played with Woms new bubble machine. It's fab. Lots if giggles,. Love this capture of Munchie even if her head is slightly chopped off

Both in bed, left lee doing Munchie and popped to the coop to get some garlic bread £24 later!

We had planned to go to weston tomorrow, but the weather forecast is so bleak, pans have changed

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