My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Feeding Relay

As I sat by the river this afternoon I noticed a movement out of the corner of my eye and looked up just in time to see a Blue Tit going into the nest box on an Alder tree.   I had to wait for quite a while before I was able to get a half decent picture of him/her going off in search of more insects.   I'm so pleased because I didn't think they had used this box this year, and looking at it close up it looks a bit worse for wear so I'll have to replace it before next winter.
Not a very clear picture as I realise that I had the focal point of the camera on the entrance hole of the box and not the bird!! oh, well you learn by your mistakes.
Whilst I was sitting very patiently I saw a Cormorant flying in line with the river, a wren, a squirrel, some doves and magpies and a swallow, so when I have a free hour you know where I will be.

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