Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Congratulations Your Majesty

Here in New Zealand it is Queens Birthday a holiday that is tacked on to a weekend and the last 3 day break before the winter weather hits. According to the weather report ( no not yesterdays local one) it is going to get ugly but we have a lot of mountain ranges so storms have to arrive to be seen.
Nothing much happens on Queens Birthday, but we do have the Queens Birthday Honours and they seem to have missed out dogs yet again. There are many very famous dogs in NZ the first being "Spot" The Telecom dog from 15 years (+/-) ago and most recent "Wilson" who looked a lot like ME but actually wasn't and featured in heroic adventures saving a Lotto ticket. Many of these dogs became national figures and some were not even named like the "bugger" dog that changed a nations vocabulary
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So I intend to send a bark or three to HRH regarding this and maybe with the help of her little followers things can change but meanwhile.. Happy Birthday to You our Queen from your humble barker in the deep southern climes.
Oh and please don't confuse me with all those other light coloured woolies...They are sheep.

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