thoughts from a broad

By alibaba

7 years

Our wedding anniversary today , as with most days of note Big is not here today as he is touring the WW1 battle sites and cemeteries, however he will be back tonight so I 'll go up to that there London and take him out for tapas at The Favourite Place at The Moment !
I can't remember if I blipped the polar bear in his unfired state but here he is after being raku ed , not happy with the finish he was supposed to be white crackle but my homemade glaze didn't do quite that so he will go for a re- fire sometime - and it's Big's present as he saw one (bigger and a lot better ) in a gallery in France in March and unusually where Anything Vaguely Retail is concerned he expressed an interest ...there is hope !
So far it's been an adventure ( married life) and, as with anything worthwhile, needs hard work and attention !

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