
Today I started a new get fit campaign. The main purpose is getting myself fitter, if I lose any weight while doing it that would be a bonus but improving my fitness is the main thing. I was astually inspired in this by a blip posted by Queenbee. I've tried several things like the gym recently and discovered I'm just no good at self-motivating. When Queenbee mentioned that there was a Taekwon Do class in queensferry (which I hadn't been aware of previously it seemed like a great idea. I've fancied trying something like that for ages but travelling into town just isn't practical.

Also the belt system means there is external motivation. I've always done better at thinhgs where there is external motivation. Studying is a good example, if I try and study for the sake of studying I struggle however as soon as there are exams involved or if the studying has been neccessetated (sic?) by work then I have no problems motivating myself.

I have to say it was great fun tonight but possibly the most physically exserive thing I have ever taken part in, even more so than a long game of five aside football. I thought it would be a nice mellow warm up but by halfway through the class I thought I was going to be sick (admittedly I'd just had food before heading to the class). I'm looking forward to next week when hopefully it will be a wee bit easier. I'll have to get through tomorrow first though and I have a distinct feeling most of the muscles in my body are going to be painful.

Anyway, here's a shot of the escalator at Morrissons next to my work.

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