
By FergInCasentino

What a difference the rain makes

The garden suddenly seems a welcoming place that encourages work and weeding. I find it hard to comprehend the transformation. Is it in me or it? Or both of us together? What was a slog and grind is now a pleasure. Weeds that burdened me are now lush growth for the compost heap. And everywhere life springs into action. Amazing.

Today I planted seeds in pots like there was no tomorrow. And did some long delayed pricking out. The seeds to pots went winter squash, summer squash, cucumbers, late tomatoes - the F1 Fandango that did so well outside last year - cosmos, hollyhock, cabbage, sprouting broccoli,  sweet corn. Pricking out was for Harbinger, Jalapenos, Chili peppers, celeriac and basil. I'm behind schedule but now the soil is warm and moist ...

The pic is one of the tree peonies that is shyly blooming. I'm cutting them and bringing them inside so we can enjoy their very brief glory.

The wisteria is getting up to maximum flower with the most lovely sweet orange perfume with just that touch of bitter almond.

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