Yan And The Blackbird

This title has nothing to do with the photo except Yan was present both times. Today was a mixed bag. One minute it was blowing a gale, black as the Ace of Spades, then heavy showers followed by sunshine. The trouble was that as soon as I made myself comfortable in the sun it all changed. When I took this picture of a strange horizontal rainbow all behind me was black. Anyway back to Yan and the Blackbird. Last night having eaten jolly old Chappie and biscuits she retired to her basket in the kitchen when suddenly there was the most enormous explosive scene, Yan leapt in the air and howling ran straight to me just as a young Blackbird flew up from her basket through her front legs and tried to get out of the room. The Blackbird also seemed a little taken aback. Luckily nobody was hurt and the Blackbird safely exited the open window. But I could tell that it re inforced everything that Yan thought about birds  -  'Not to be trusted'  Ever since she came into contact with that parrot who had her pinned down under his cage after a generous bite of her tail . 'Not to be trusted"

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