Which way?

I was awake early this morning due to Alan's phone coming to life an hour earlier than normal, so I got up and took the boys for a walk across the fields and towards the sea. We walked nearly 2 miles in total, and I had them on their 'doubler' lead which makes it easier to walk with them as it connects to just one lead, but makes it interesting when they want to go in different directions!

Tonight I'm off out for a girls night with my friends Karen and Allana and their mutual friend Ann who I've never met - she's cooking dinner for us which is very nice of her.

And in other news we've found another doggy hotel for the boys and Alan went to have a look round at lunch time. He said it's professionally run with plenty of staff and very secure, so they're booked in for next week - I can go away and relax now, knowing they'll be ok :-)

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