Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

pumpkins gonna get you.............

so i'm a little early for this but as it is now pitch black when i leave work and i have no opportunity to blip during the day, well week days anyway this is what i'm left with.
it is in fact one of the many items my mum bought baby McD when they went out on a mini shopping trip today. i suppose since she really doesn't get to see "gwanny" that often what with living 450 miles away she is allowed to be spoiled now andagain. needless to say she has lots of halloween goodies, which is a bonus for me as it provides a few blip subjects for the next few days.

so we have the light up pumpkin with the McDawg tweak.
and i'd like to say thanks to Bisk for today's text which brightened up a rather stressful day. cheers mate (even with the open forum debate)

mum goes home tomorrow.................not happy about it but hopefully see her and the rest of the clan soon. baby McD has already got the hump with her for going home and she hasn't even left yet! kid's ya gotta love 'em.

night all........................

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