
By tookie

Rhody in mono

from our front yard garden is this lovely Rhody was a starter from the garden of my dear friends Barb and Rich who lived in Edmonds, Wa.  We met them after moving here to Wa. in 1975.  Rich passed away in 1989 and Barb just had her 88th birthday.  I took a start from their yard when they moved to an apt. years ago and now we have a huge white rhody that always reminds us of that lovely home they had in Edmonds!

It actually starts as a pink one then turns white.;)

I have some errands and straightening up to do as Big R returns home tomorrow night from his trip back to Ohio, NYC , and Pa.  He will be exhausted as the time in Pa. has been hard seeing how his folks are having more struggles with health issues---especially his Dad.  And they are not open to ideas to improve their situation which is sad and hard on Big R.  Also hard to stick to any good eating plan back in the land of carbos and junk food and gravies and lots of fried stuff.  He'll be very ready to "reboot" himself:)  We will plan some r and r time!!!

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