sometimes i think sitting on trains..

...or better, the grade i hope i make on the lab practical i just took.
...degrees fahrenheit, thankful that it's not that hot today (it's a cool 66F.. or 19C for everyone else in the world)
...the decade i was born in (towards the beginning though my young face would swear otherwise)
...the number of times i have almost cried in the past 48 hours.

i pass by this train every day, sometimes four times a day.
i had to stop today and blip it because i think it's just beautiful and i needed something beautiful.

i've had the most crap two weeks.. or month? but i love october. it's bright, crisp, fresh. what is wrong? well, i know what's wrong, but will it ever get better?

everything's gonna get lighter, even if it never gets better
everything's gonna get lighter, even if it never gets better

i've been listening to a lot of mates of state and that always cheers me up.
however, i'm a sucker for ryan adams so i just get pulled down again... ah well.
here's to tonight and a sense of hope and release.

a backblip i forgot to post a while ago...

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