Evening Blossom

I said to Mr K last night that he should turn the internet off during the day so that I could actually get things done around the house.
He forgot and I felt like a naughty child sneaking in half an hour's browsing before managing to shut the laptop and get on with laundry, washing up, sorting and hoovering. 
I got loads done including sorting the Little Misses' rooms completely. No mean feat as I could barely get in the door to either of them!
Pilates at lunchtime, then more tidying.
My mum collected the Little Misses from school so they could meet my brother's new dog.
It's been a little over a year since Harry died. It was heartbreaking to think of the pain Mr D was in. 
Now he has a sixteen week old black and white Springer spaniel called River. Blips to follow I'm sure.
The Little Misses were giddy to meet her and took her for a walk with my mum and Mr D.
I had thought my mum was going to do dinner and stay until Mr K got home. But she had only meant to stay for a walk and my dad was too tired after a day in the shop to come and babysit so I had to cancel my planned swim in the lake with Miss K.
I had been looking forward to it as the weather was so much better than last week.
So instead I spent the evening with my feet up eating salmon and mediterranean vegetables and watching Game of Thrones

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