A walk in the woods

Technophobe and I know the person who owns the famous bluebell wood at Wooton Wawen which is opened for charity each year.  We asked if we could pay a visit away from the crowds and following a suitable donation we went today.  

It was great as we were the only people there.  It's normally heaving with people on the open days but we only had to avoid each other (that was hard enough sometimes!).

I missed an amazing shot when I saw a fox approaching through the blue carpet.  It didn't see me until it arrived in a little spot of sunlight about 20 metres away.  It looked at me for a few seconds before running off.  I had my arms full of tripods etc and had the wrong lens on so couldn't snap it.  You can't win 'em all and it was great just seeing it in such amazing surroundings.

Jo, whose family owns the wood, tells us that they have raised £23,000 for charity this year from visitors

See it with a black background as well as extra shots here 

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