A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Heron at Hallas Bridge.

A warm morning but with a little rain in the air. It started as we reached Goit Stock Woods but we knew it was coming as we saw a rainbow as we approached the caravan park.

A lot of the wild flowers we saw last time (early April) were over but the wonderful bluebells were everywhere.
We passed the main waterfall which was quite full proceeded up to the smaller one a one and a heron was sitting along side it. I got one shot before it flew off but it was a very shaky one. Reaching Hallas Bridge it was spotted again next to the weir from the old Hallas mill that it is now apartments. I managed to get it this time before it flew off onto the mill roof.

We turned back at the bottom of Hallas Lane and returned through the fields and woods at the topside of the valley.
Lots of calves in the fields near Cow House Beck.

A lovely morning walk despite that early bit of rain.

The day has become warmer and windier (very) since and I have managed to finish painting the walls in Grace's old room.
I'm pleased with it. Just a few more jobs and then I can put the new curtains up.

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