A final celebration
This bottle of wine is one of the presents Martin received. It's a 50 yr old Barolo. I'd never heard of that wine before, it's Italian. Our friends Woon Sun and Joanna brought it all the way to KK, but we decided there that we wanted to open it with them in HK. So they invited us for dinner and cooked up some wonderful grub to complement this wine.
The cork had shrivelled, and the actual wine had changed colour to a lighter maroon, almost sangria like. It tasted more dry than sweet, but not too sour. We did drink it. It was quite fruity but you could get hints of musk ... Probably like mouldy cheese, but not quite! It was different but then again, when will we ever have a 50yr old bottle of wine again?? Goodness, lots of 'buts' there!
Oh and I had tomahawk steak for the first time today :)
I've finally uploaded journals from 2-9th May!!!
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