Bluebell Altar
Yesterday, I had spotted a notice advertising the annual bluebell service in Swithland Wood today. I hadn't known before that there was one.
So Basil and I, being inquisitive creatures, popped along this afternoon to take part.
This time, we parked at the southern end of the wood and followed the signs, which took us through the bluebells to the quarry pit.
Two Rangers were on duty. A sound system had been installed, and the service was led by a lady who is a member of the Franciscan Order. In olden days, I think she would have been called a Poor Clare.
The Mayor of Charnwood read the psalm (reading from the Old Testament) and pupils of Welbeck College accompanied us with the hymns. Rather a change to sing hymns in the cathedral of woodland, especially verdant as it is at the moment.
We'd met a chap on the way who advised me to go walking in Stocking Wood to the north, where all sorts of flowers bloom. Somewhere else to explore.
I think Basil was tired after yesterday. He was pleased to get back in the car, although that still hadn't stopped him running up and down paths.
Marvellous that the weather is slowly warming.
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