The Day After the Day After

A little breathing space has helped, as have friends and being outdoors.  

You know what?  This post-election feeling reminds me of the fallout from the referendum last year.  Those of us on the Yes side know this feeling - we just have to pick ourselves up again and carry on the good fight.  

The Christian Aid book sale is a fine example - people still come out, give their money freely and walk home with books (or cds or maps or bric-a-brac or whatever).  The money goes to good causes. This sort of thing happens up and down the land on a daily basis but our 'news' sources don't cover it.  

And you know what?  Every year for the last three years I've tried to find a blip from the book sale and this is the first year I've been halfway pleased with a result.  Result!

Thank you for your kind stars and hearts on yesterday's blip.  I guess I just needed some space.  I've turned comments on now and, as a reminder to myself, will repeat the good words of Jack Layton:

“My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we'll change the world.”

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