Leave it better than you find it...

Hiring a van at the tvack of dawn, filling it with all kinds of shit, for home, charity shop & the tip, then having to clean an entire house, top to bottom, toilet, bathroom... is something you don't want to do in the first place, never mind when you have a stinking hangover.
Following a steak pie, foot long Subway, a visit to a steaming pile of waste at the tip, a monumental amount of water & lots of deep breaths, I started to feel human again about 9pm.
It was really hard work, holes in walls filled, carpets hoovered & shampooed & credit to Alex for getting down on his hands & knees with a scrubbing brush on the kitchen floor.
All this cleaning & tarting up made me realise all the shortcomings of the house that between us, we either didn't notice or just made allowances for...Like here, the living room- somewhere that, even with furniture & constant attempts to make it so, never felt cosy or homely.

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