Forum On The Future

I spent most of the morning at a very interesting event, a breakfast and forum talking about and hearing from some of New Hampshire's business, political and economic forecasters on Heroin - the #1 Public Safety Issue in the state.  There were state senators, the Attorney General, the Mayor of Manchester, State and local police representatives, educators, treatment specialists and economic forecasters, the general public and medical experts.  The speaker panel consisted of the Corporal of the State Police, the Director of the largest addiction treatment facility in the state, herself an addict in long term recovery, the newly appointed "Drug Czar" and an economic analyst and the Republican State Senator from our district.  There is finally recognition that addiction should be treated as a disease rather than a moral failing, that we cannot win the War On Drugs and new approaches are needed.  Recognition that our state is sadly lacking in treatment options.  It is one tiny step forward, but at least a beginning.  

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