
Back from our "Swift Adventure" so that we could vote! There was still maintenance work to be done at the holiday lodge by way of painting the eaves, now we had a really big ladder. The Man did that!

I went to the cattery to retrieve Ali, but I did join The Man as soon as I could. No, not up the ladder! At the lodge, on time to make lunch.

The bulbs which I had potted very late and transplanted to the flower bed last month have settled in very well, especially those that hadn't flowered before they were moved.

It's fun waiting to see what they will all be like, this looks as if it will be one of those parrotty sorts.

A bit of a last-minute accident as we arrived home with the tin of paint meant me bathing Ali before I went out for the evening. She will be wishing she'd stayed another night at the cattery!

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