
By cowgirl

Roll out the barrel!

Today is the 70th anniversary of V.E. Day.

The ' Beer Barrel Polka ' was composed in 1927, by the Czech musician Jaromír Vejvoda, with the first lyrics being added in 1934. During World War II, versions in many other languages were created and the song was popular among soldiers, regardless of their allegiances. It was claimed many times that the song was written in the country where it had just become a hit. Its actual composer was not widely known until after the war.

When the war ended, the Conservative government wanted to thank the ordinary people who had suffered so much. So they created the welfare state and the NHS. They were also founding members of the Council of Europe and drafted the European Convention of Human Rights. The EU was set up to bind economic interests.

This morning I awoke to the news that the Conservatives had won a convincing majority. Their policies include privatising the NHS, cutting welfare even further and holding a referendum on our participation in the EU with a view to withdrawing from it. Joe Public will suffer, whilst the fat cats will get fatter. Churchill must be rolling in his grave.

Four or five more years being governed by a load of Tory toffs with no idea about real life.

Luckily for the little foal growing inside Nell's tummy, none of this will be the least bit significant. In 2 or 3 weeks time, it will be loved and cared for regardless!

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